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Quick price overview 2024

Port call
  • 0.40 EUR per gross tonnage per port call (up to 14 days - 2000 l slopoil included)
  • 1.77 EUR per gross tonnage as a monthly fee
  • 1.89 EUR per gross tonnage as a flexible monthly fee
  • Vessels that are registered for fishing and landing fish in Thyboron are excluded
  • 0.06 EUR per gross tonnage for each entry
  • 0.23 EUR per gross tonnage as a monthly fee
Berthing Fee at longer stay
  • Please contact Port Authority
Commodity dues goods
  • Normal rate 2.28 EUR per ton
  • Special rate I 1.54 EUR per ton, for example metals, wood, feed and grain
  • Special rate II 0.69 EUR. per ton, for example gravel, sand and lime stone
  • Special rate III 6.04 EUR, per ton WTG Blade
Commodity dues fish
  • 2.4% of the sales value at first sale, however maximum 6,308.72 EUR per load
General lease of port area
  • The rate payable is 3.42 EUR per square meter per year
Temporary Lease:

Feel free to get in contact for the rental fee for occasional lease of port area for storage of goods

Download Terms Conditions and Prices 2024
All prices are subject to VAT.
Ex-change rate DKK-EUR is 7.45. We reserve the right to pass on exchange-rate related price increases.
For further prices and terms see attached terms and conditions